Tag: Background
Poplarville, MS to Slidell, LA and Pontchartrain Bridge
Proposed modeling elements include the following prototype considerations: LDE – Poplarville NO 125.0Poplarville mainline and Blue Terra Blueberry farm. POPLARVILLE, MS AND MOSELLE, MSCars left standing at the following locations must have 100% hand brakes applied: Poplarville, MS and Moselle, MSSignaled Siding (SS) between Poplarville MP NO 125.0 and Derby MO NO 131.6 is 11,790…
CSX from NOLA Gentilly Yard Wye/Diamond to Gulfport and KSC Diamond/Wye
Proposed as a modeling element includes the interchange with NS and CSX at the Gentilly Yard and Wye in New Orleans East, with an interchange diamond/why connecting CSX and KCS in Gulfport, MS, along with the proposed modeling elements: Wye and Diamond north of NS Auto YardTracks through swamps in New Orleans EastBridge at Chef…