- Dynamic web design, portal development, and graphic design, including Internet and Intranet sites for government, private and non-profit organizations.
- WordPress theme and template development.
- Freelance writing for various industries including web design, technical, culinary, and model railroading fields of interest.
- Multimedia video production including online drafting software training for the modeling industry, and cooking demonstrations for various online food industry sites.
- Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) with experience in network systems, server and desktop administration, security, installation, implementation and training.
- Conference and workshop organizing team member for 300+ attendees.
Click thumbnails to magnify and click active links to visit live sites
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Intranet
Application Deployment Checklist (ADC)
Cloud Hosting Services
Environmental Modeling and Visualization Laboratory (EMVL)
EZ Tech Training
IT Training Program
OTOP Maintenance Calendar
Tech Refresh
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Internet
High-End Scientific Computing (HESC)
Locate an RRP Training Class or Provider in your area
Office of Land and Emergency Management
Tech Republic Technical Writing
Demonstrations and Tutorials
This section highlights several of the hundreds of articles that I wrote for the TechRepublic web developer blog, you can check out all of my articles at Ryan Boudreaux.
Demo: RSS Feeds with Google Dynamic Feed
Read the original article: HTML5: Working with the Video element
Demo: Parallax Scrolling Effects
Read the original article: Tutorial: How to implement the parallax scrolling effect, part 1

Read the original article: Backgrounds in web design: Going from PSD to code
Demo: HTML5 Figure & Figcaption
Read the original article: HTML5 figure and figure caption elements
Read the original article: CSS3 3D Graphics

Read the original article: How to get started with Responsive Web Design
Demo: CSS3 Stitched Effects – Sidebar
Read the original article: Create a stitched effect with CSS3 styling properties only
Click thumbnails to magnify and click active links to visit live sites
Find more TechRepublic articles by Ryan Boudreaux
- 2007 & 2011 – North Carolina State University – Raleigh, NC
Cold Fusion MX Level I and Level II Coursework, HTML5 and CSS3 Coursework - 1998 to 2000 – University of Phoenix – Metairie, LA
Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems; September 2000; GPA 3.8 out of 4.0 - 1999 to 2000 – New Horizons (Microsoft Certified Tech Ed Center) – Metairie, LA
MCSE NT 4.0 Certification Course; MCP acquired October 2000 - 1990 to 1991 – University of New Orleans, Metro College – New Orleans, LA
Certificate of Completion in Microcomputers, Specialization in Word Perfect 5.1, 1991 - 1983 to 1985 – Delgado Community College – New Orleans, LA
Associate Degree in Art Sciences, Specialization in Culinary Arts, 1985 - 1980 to 1982 – Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge, LA
Studies in Forestry and Wildlife
01/2006 to Present | Rymo Creative Services, Wake Forest, NC
Freelancer / Owner / Operator |
03/2006 to 10/2016 | Environmental Protection Agency, Contractor, Research Triangle Park, NC
Senior Consultant / Web Applications Programmer / Web Developer |
11/2005 to 01/2006 | Bell South, Contractor, New Orleans, LA
Senior Customer Engineer |
01/2002 to 09/2005 | Emeril’s Homebase, LLC, New Orleans, LA
Technology Support Technician / Network Administrator |
07/2000 to 12/2001 | Entergy Power Company, Contractor, New Orleans, LA
Technology Support Technician |
Certifications |
Operating Systems | Apple iOS, Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Novell Client for Windows, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, 9x, 3.1, DOS. |
Software | Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, Adobe ColdFusion 10, Adobe PhotoShop CS5, Adobe Web Premium CS5, Apache Server, CorelDraw, Dreamweaver CS5, Drupal Web CMS, ETS_FTP, F5, FileZilla, HTML Editor, LDAP Administrator and Browser, Lyris List Manager, MS Office Pro 2013, MS SMS, MySQL Server, Oracle Application Server (OAS), Oracle COREid, Oracle Identity Access Management (IAM), PHP Server, Project, Remedy Incident Management Console, Remote Desktop Client, Report Writer, Surf Control, Send Mail Server, SQL Developer, SVN Version Control, Symantec Anti-Virus Enterprise, Norton Internet Security, Ubuntu Server, Visio, WinVNC, WordPerfect, WordPress 4.27, WS_FTP Pro. |
Hardware | Compaq, Dell, IBM servers. Netgear, LinkSys, Cisco hubs routers. Cisco PIX Firewall. Various desktop and laptop platforms (Compaq/HP, Dell, Gateway, Hyundai, IBM, Leading Edge, etc.). DAT tape libraries. UPS, Simpledrive, Symbol bar code scanners, Western Digital external hard drives, various printers, copiers, projectors, flatbed scanners, and other peripherals. Mobile phones, Bluetooth devices and PDA’s. |